Home Isolation In Case Of Inter State Journey In India As per GOI Rule?

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Pradhan Mantri Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana

Pradhan Mantri Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana (SAGY)

Pradhan Mantri Sansad Gram Yojna (SAGY) is a relatively new and effective scheme implemented by India' The main goal is to instil drive in people in order to promote social mobility throughout villages. This programme was started with great enthusiasm on Shri Jai Prakash Narayan's birthday, October 11th, 2014.

Pradhan Mantri Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana

Pradhan Mantri Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana Objectives:

The program's main goals are as follows:

Model villages, often known as 'Adarsh Grams,' are being developed. This is accomplished through the implementation of existing programmes as well as the development of new programmes tailored to the needs of the villages in the area.

Create these model villages, then duplicate them across the country.

Pradhan Mantri Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana Instructions & Specifications

The goal of this project is for all members of parliament, regardless of their political affiliations, to adopt one hamlet in their area and make it into a model village by the general assembly elections in 2019. Following that, they can choose many villages to improve and create a 10-year plan to do so. The guidelines are as follows.

Each member of parliament is required to select a village in their area that is not their own or their in-laws'. This has to be a whole other community.

The MP must then outline goals for the community in order for it to be designated as a model village, as well as the criteria that will determine if the goals have been accomplished.

The ultimate goal should be to provide the minimal necessities for the village community, such as smart schools, universal and accessible healthcare, and decent housing.

This scheme's finances are not segregated and are already included in the union budget. Existing initiatives such as the Indira Awas Yojana, Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana, Mahatma Gandhi national rural job guarantee plan, and backward area grants scheme, among others, could be used to gather funding. MP Local Area Development Scheme, gram panchayat revenue, Central and state finance commission grants, and corporate responsibility funding from existing corporations in the constituency are some of the other possibilities accessible to members of parliament.

The MP will also form two committees, one of which will be led by the minister of rural development and the other by the secretary of rural development. The chief secretary will chair the committee, which will be assisted by the district collector. Members and office bearers of the village gramme panchayat must back them up. This executive committee will be in charge of monitoring the scheme's execution, detecting bottlenecks, and assisting in their removal during the implementation process. They'll also design a standard operating procedure to ensure a smooth transition to the implementation programme.

Pradhan Mantri Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana 

The committee's leaders should also make certain that the necessary resources are accessible for implementation. They will also keep track of the scheme's monthly development and its capacity to fulfil the scheme's final goals.During the implementation of the programme, the district collector would develop a grievance redressal forum and a system to address any issues. They will also guarantee that the necessary facilitation is in place for the village to be prepared for the scheme's implementation in a well-thought-out and well-established manner.

They will also perform a baseline survey of the initiative and provide frequent updates to the committee and the MP. They would also consolidate the existing relevant schemes under this umbrella plan while doing so. The scheme will be implemented by the gramme panchayat members and office bearers in accordance with the design and standard operating procedure. But first, they must be able to clearly define the goals that are important to their village and effectively communicate them to the committee.

They will make the best use of the resources that have been made available to them in the most wise and effective way feasible. They are also expected to guarantee that the entire community participates in the program's planning and implementation.

Pradhan Mantri Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana Advantages and Drawbacks

Because this is an umbrella plan rather than a new scheme, it is supposed to bring sanity and clarity to the villagers and gram panchayat by bringing all of the schemes under one tent. The following are the key advantages of such a strategy.

Better utilisation of available cash – With so many monies in multiple schemes, there is always the risk that they may not be spent appropriately. This scheme serves as an umbrella under which funding from other schemes can be better utilised.

Larger expansion potential - because one of the scheme's guidelines states that the chosen village must be autonomous and not the MP's or their spouse's home village, the likelihood of new communities being developed is high.

The goal is to build a model village that other villages will look up to and try to imitate. As a result of this infectious impact, most settlements became self-sufficient and grew over time.

This programme is expected to assist around 2400–3000 communities, each having an average population of 2500 persons. Approximately 6000 communities are predicted to profit if this is combined with state-level village improvement programmes. There are, however, certain potential or perceived drawbacks. While the benefits outnumber the drawbacks. The following are a few of the alleged drawbacks.

Pradhan Mantri Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana

While utilising funds at a central or convergent level may be advantageous, if no funds are available in any of the existing schemes, this system is doomed to fail.

Multiple levels of authorities and dignitaries coming together to oversee such a large project takes time and may not be a successful strategy.

The ownership of the project's success is unclear, allowing numerous parties to blame the game if things go wrong. There does not appear to be a governance structure in place to allocate responsibility and authority to the appropriate locations.

However, if the initiative is structured and done correctly, in both letter and spirit, it has a high chance of succeeding and being a game changer for how villages in India are managed and developed. The proper method and path forward for India's millions of villages to be self-sufficient and prosperous is holistic development that includes society and culture that is tailored to local needs.


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